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Bill of Material with Subcontracting Order

Creation of Components used for Subcontracting process, Creation of BOM and lines for subcontracting, Configuration on BOM line for service type of component and Approval Process of BOM.

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Brilbook - Smart business solutions

Brilbook provides a secured, robust and scalable web platform with set of smart business solutions to help businesses automate and optimize their processes or the entire business end-to end.

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Production Order Management

Creation of Production Order, Approval of Production Order, creation of Execution BOM and Production Operation, creation of Resource Jobs and Inventory check for Production Order, Creation of Production Order Items, Completion of related Resource Jobs and Production Order Operation, Completion of Production Order Items and Completion of Production Order.

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Ensuring Quality for Arrival

Quality Check against Arrival, completion of Quality Check Operations, completion of Quality Check Test, Pass or Fail Quality Check Items and completion of Quality Check.

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CRM - Lead Management

Create lead and easily navigate to each step of Lead. In this video, covers the creation of lead, Qualification of Lead, and how to create Opportunity from lead.

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